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{model love} Barbara Palvin

They don't get much more beautiful...

It's not always easy to pull off the "sexy yet put together classy look" {trust on this}...however, one Miss Barbara Palvin combines the two like it's her job.  Well...I suppose it technically IS her job, but point me to one other model {other than an early 2000s Gisele} who so flawlessly, like a piece of Chanel couture, meshes the two worlds.  This girl is pinup worthy...any second we should be seeing the Victoria's Sec-oh-already happened. A true dime in a world of 9's.

{Elle Hungary - October 2011 - Room With a View // Photographer: Zoltan Tombor // Model: Barbara Palvin // Stylist: Diana Marton // Hair:  Tamas Tuzes // Makeup: Sarolta Tombor}

1 comment:

  1. She is beautiful! "A true dime in a world of nines" lol


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