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{cheap yet chic} ax paris

lace detail puffball  $29.50
crinkle fabric pink tunic  $12.99

one shoulder pencil dress  $29.99
pleated skirt chiffon cream dress  $38.50
i love pretty clothes. or as my dad would say "pretty expensive" clothes.  put me in a store and 9.9 times out of ten, i'll gravitate to the most expensive items. it's not because i'm label obsessed (i actually once turned down a miu miu skirt that was practically being given away because it was, well, disgusting).  it's because i like pretty things, which generally translates in fashionspeak to "buy purse of pay mortgage".  however, every now and then, a store like ax paris pops up and throws the whole fortune for fashion curve off.  now, as someone who likes her items pretty, but also works hard for her money, this is a trend i can jump head first in to.  i mean,what could be better than a blush colored lace embellished tunic for thirteen bucks? (i guess you could say one for twelve bucks, but you get my point)...

diamante trim pink corsage top $12.99

grecian embellished gown  $24.99
layered corsage black cami  $19.99
multi frill cream shirt  $25.50

peacock tunic  $19.99

sequin trim strapless gown  $24.50

star jumper  $19.99

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